

This car parks itself, drives itself and completely obeys the wishes of the owner. The neuromobile developed by Nizhny Novgorod (Russia) scientists has become a real breakthrough in the scientific world. Previously, a car driven by the power of our thoughts could only be found in science fiction books. Now this miracle of technology is reality.

“The history of this project is very short – in fact, he is only a year old,” says Vasily Mironov, the head of the laboratory of intelligent biomechanantronic technologies of Nizhni Novgorod university. “The idea itself originates from an earlier exoskeleton project that records brain signals in order to make translational movements. Thanks to this, people with disabilities were able to move around. But you see, the exoskeleton cannot go long distances. Therefore, we thought about a car that works on the same principle.”

I must say that the principle of operation of this development really looks more like some kind of fantastic device. The car body is equipped with a whole set of sensors that analyze the situation around: the movement of other cars, traffic signals, traffic signs. Depending on this, possible options for action in this traffic situation are formed in front of the driver. They are broadcast either through a monitor or through augmented reality glasses or as a projection directly onto the windshield.

As a result, the driver can choose the most suitable option for himself: to move directly or to change lanes. The neuromobile captures changes in encephalographic activity in the brain. And these changes are recorded by instruments.

“I must say right away that so far we are only recording large signals – for example, the desire to change lanes from one lane to another,” explains Vasily Mironov. “But with a high degree of certainty – even an unprepared person shows a result of 95%. In a more trained “neurotransmitter” brain signals are recorded even better.”


However, no special training is needed to drive a neuromobile. The basic principles of his work can be learned in a week. And then a person already becomes a full participant in the road traffic. But so far it has not been possible to test the new product on the mass consumer – only a few people managed to sit behind the wheel of a miracle car.

“This car is quite easy to drive,” assures the pilot of the neuromobile, an engineer at the laboratory for the development of intelligent biomechanantronic technologies. “Personally, it took me only five days to prepare. At first, it all reminded me of a virtual game: sitting at a computer, imagining movement and relaxation – and you see how the computer recognizes your signals.”


Experts acknowledge that the neuromobile is a kind of hybrid between a regular car and an autopilot. Moreover, it managed to take the pros from both of his first parents.

“We borrowed an analysis of the surrounding traffic situation from autopiloting, but the main thing for us is still people,” says Vasily Mironov. “Why is it important? Now all autopilot systems are far from ideal. Somewhere the road markings are vaguely traced, somewhere the weather conditions are complicated – all this can lead to an accident on the road. If a person continues to control the situation, then the risk of accidents is reduced.

Now this development is at the level of an MVP designed to demonstrate the concept of this idea. The industrial partner of this project was the factory of precision parts in the Samara region. The company will be engaged in the production of these neuromobiles. In addition, we recently received a letter from our Japanese colleagues from the Nissan Science Center. They are also interested in this project and intend to visit us this year to offer a partnership agreement. We are now in the process of filing a patent.”


  • Maximum speed – 60 km/h
  • Range – 200 kilometers

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