Velorex 435-D
The last attempt of Velorex company to become a successfull car manufacturer was this commercial...
Velorex 435 Cabriolet
A prototype of Velorex 435 Cabiolet was presented at the Engineering Fair in Brno in...
Velorex 435-O
Producing of Velorex 3-wheelers was stopped in 1971, when the factory presented four-wheel microcar for...
Uniti gets $1.3 million from 570 investors after finishing its crowdfunding campaign
With more than $1 million spoken for via its crowd-funding efforts, a Swedish-based electric-vehicle maker...
Oskar / Velorex
The Czech manufacturer Velorex is probably best known for its sidecars but they also produced...
Bond Bug 4-wheel prototype
At least one prototype 4 wheeler Bug using, presumably, Reliant Rebel front suspension and steering...
Bond Bug 700 / 750
Production of Bond Bug 3-wheeler started in February 1970. The first 17 vehicles were all to...
Bond 875 Mark II
In March 1968, the Bond 875 was given a facelift with a new front and...
Trabant 601 with a Volkswagen Turbo Diesel
Let me introduce you this 1986 Trabant 601 Deluxe. It had a 594 cc two-stroke two-cylinder engine...
Bond 875 Mark I
Bond 875 was a successor of Bond Minicars and produced since 1966 to 1970. It was...