This was a licence-built version of the Brutsch 200 Spatz. It swapped the original 191cc...
Bassons’s Star
Basson's Industries of the Bronx, New York was behind this car, which was styled by...
The Start-up Squad Mobility, headquartered in Amsterdam, has introduced the L6e-class electric light vehicle. It...
Production of the first Russian Zetta EV will begin in early 2020
At the beginning of next year, mass production of the first Russian electric car Zetta...
B&Z Electra King
One of the most successful and long-lived electric cars ever made was the Electra King...
This plastic-doomed for all-around visibility, a three-wheeled bubble car Pajtás was built by Pál Fodor,...
In 1958, István Karika, a small craftsman from Budapest, made a three-wheeled miniature car. It...
Hull-based Alan Evans was a microcar enthusiast who loved his Peel P50 so much that...