The designer came up with the world’s first Mini RWB
After the war, British buyers needed something really small, capable of squeezing in traffic jams...
Simon Ernő home-built microcar
Ernő Simon was born in St. Petersburg in 1924. As a young assistant he worked...
Barn find: 1980 Commuta-Car with only 102 miles
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck,...
Baojun E300
The joint venture SAIC-GM-Wuling, created by General Motors and SAIC, expands its range of urban...
Tabby EVO
OSVehicle has unveiled its latest open source hardware platform, which includes files and blueprints for...
Artega Karo-Isetta
The German company Artega announced the information about the Karo-Isetta electric city car made on...
Emis Art
Emis Art — the car which was created by an orthodontist. At first glance, the...
Chinese manufacturer Niu introduced the TQi-GT three-wheeled electric scooter at the CES 2020. Mass production...
Panasonic and Tropos Motors presented a compact electric fire truck at the CES 2020
The developers claim that the small electric fire truck has full-fledged functionality similar to a...
Seat 600 Multipla Panoramica
In 1960, a hundred thousandth Seat cars were launched at the Seat factory in the...